Sunday, October 4, 2009

This Week In Fantasy Sports NFL Sun. Edition

Caledonia Stingers vs Dirty Dogs: Projected- Stingers by 20
Current: Stingers 94 to 105 Durty Digs
To Play: Stingers-
Donald Driver- WR
Vikings Defence
Dirty Dogs-
Analysis: I'm actually quite happy. If Vikings do well then I win, if they do poor and Driver does well, then I'll probably win too. Not gonna raise the victory banner yet though.

Hamilton Maulers vs Bangkok Stars : Projected- Stars by 45
Current: Maulers 108 to 56 Stars
To Play: Maulers-
Vikings Defence
Analysis: I'm surprised we are dominating, my Saints defense got in the 30s! Pretty good for a backup team off waivers (I think I might keep'em around). Am I afraid of his Vikings defense? Not really, not trying to jinx my stingers but even if they had an amazing game like the Saints it wouldn't be enough.

Tune in tomorrow for the possible SWEEP!

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